Challenging the Status Quo:

Finding new ways to help our clients be sustainable

Intervention Rentals has always been committed to bridging the gap between traditional energy services and a sustainable future. With over 17 years of experience, the company has consistently sought innovative ways to meet emerging energy needs. This dedication led to the creation of Sustainable Solutions, a division specializing in agriculture, aquaculture, distilleries, and general industry. By leveraging renewable innovation and proven expertise, Sustainable Solutions aims to enhance productivity and sustainability across various sectors, embodying the company’s vision of a greener future.

In today’s rapidly evolving industrial landscape, saving, reemploying and repurposing resources is no longer a mere option but a necessity.

Sustainable Solutions, a division of Intervention Rentals, is at the forefront of this transition, embodying a commitment to integrating innovative technologies and sustainable practices across 4 key sectors. The creation of this division is not just a response to the growing demand for greener practices but a proactive effort to lead by example. 

Defining a Vision and Choosing Partners Wisely 

A clear and ambitious vision is the cornerstone of any successful scope 3 sustainability initiative. Sustainable Solutions is dedicated to becoming the leading partner for businesses looking to enhance their sustainability portfolio and reduce costs. This vision guides every decision, from the technologies we implement to the partners we choose. It is crucial to collaborate with partners who share this vision, ensuring that every step taken is aligned with our long-term goals. Choosing clients who are equally committed to sustainability further strengthens this mission, creating a unified front in the pursuit of environmental stewardship and ultimately improving the sustainable credentials and reporting of our clients.

Challenging the Status Quo& Collaborating to Innovate 

Sustainable Solutions is not content with maintaining the status quo. We believe in challenging existing norms and practices to find better, more sustainable ways of operating. This often involves innovative collaborations with other technology leaders and stakeholders. By combining resources and expertise, we can develop cutting-edge solutions that drive significant improvements in sustainability. Collaboration is key to innovation, and through joint efforts, we can achieve more than any single entity could on its own. 

Embracing the Circular Economy 

A major focus of Sustainable Solutions is the circular economy, which emphasizes reducing waste and making the most of resources. This approach involves rethinking product life cycles, from design and production to consumption and disposal. By promoting practices such as recycling, reusing, and repurposing materials, we can minimize waste and create a more sustainable industrial ecosystem.

Technologies like Vacuum Distillation, Proteus Multi-Metering, Filtration Technologies and Solids Control Equipment, DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) Systems, CIP (Clean-in-Place) Systems and

Onsite Laboratory Analysis and Technical Report Writing are pivotal in this effort, enabling us to recover valuable resources and reduce overall environmental impact. Which is why we have chosen best in class partners like Axium Process and RS Hydro.

Sustainable Supply Chain and Carbon Reduction 

Sustainable Solutions ensure that we take carbon and Greenhouse gasses off the road and reduce the need for unnecessary waste to maximise our clients carbon reporting in scope 3 emissions by integrating our technologies to enhance operational efficiency, product quality, and environmental sustainability reporting, with the aim of supporting diverse industries in their quest for a greener and more profitable future. This holistic approach not only addresses immediate sustainability needs but also lays the foundation for long-term environmental planning and business success.

Client and Industry Engagement 

The positive response from clients has been a testament to the effectiveness and necessity of Sustainable Solutions. Our clients appreciate the detailed care and customized approaches we offer, helping them become the most sustainable versions of themselves, regardless of their industry. This commitment to client satisfaction and industry relations is a central tenet of Sustainable Solutions. By working closely with clients and understanding their unique needs, we can provide tailored solutions that drive both sustainability and business success. 


Our approach is a planned and managed step towards a greener, more sustainable future. By defining a clear vision, choosing partners & clients wisely, challenging the status quo, and embracing the circular economy, we are not only enhancing operational efficiency but also paving the way for long-term environmental management.

Get in touch

Alex Leddy:

Pete Meldrum:

See our latest appearance in the OGV Renewables magazine